Monday, January 25, 2016

Read Along of mentor text #3

- Right off the bat I notice the MLA formatting, this makes it very obvious that I'm reading an academic essay.

- The title follows a similar format to the previous mentor texts (entertaining bit!: a ____ perspective of ___)

- The opening paragraph makes an argument as to why the formalist lens is the best way of analyzing Conrad's Heart of Darkness.

- The first paragraph contains the thesis. (Surprise!)

- The second paragraph defines a frame narrative for readers AND explains its significance to the text.

- The text then shifts gears in the third paragraph to analysis of the character Marlow.

- The text then connects Marlow to the framing narrative.

- Wow, this text actually has a decent and (kind-of) fleshed out conclusion.

- Since this is a formalist essay, the only text mentioned in the works cited is the novella.

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